Change Lives

Help was hard for Amanda to find. She was without hope and food when she came through Scott Mission’s doors. Here she found warmth, kindness, and love to see her through a most difficult time.

“The food bank has definitely helped me with having fresh food in my cupboard and making sure we have food on the table,” Amanda says. “So it’s one less worry when your income is low and you’re like, ‘Oh, we have no food. What am I going to do for the week?’”

Amanda is truly thankful for the meals, clothes, and other help she has received from Scott Mission. During a time of hunger, homelessness, and hopelessness, she has found a firm foundation upon which to rebuild her life.

Amanda found a warm welcome at Scott Mission, plus help with groceries and more during a difficult time. She is thankful for YOU!

Each day, people like Amanda receive meals and tangible help for a fresh start, and it’s all because many caring hearts choose to support Scott Mission through their donations, and through gifts in their wills, to support the vulnerable and helpless.

Your gift now will help families and individuals like Amanda who are in need this Easter season. Your compassion and generosity ensure food, refuge, and Christ-centered programs and services are available.

If you’re interested in making a gift in your will, Kendra Hickton would love to help. You can reach her at KHickton@scottmission.com or (647) 465-7757.

You Can Share Help and
Hope with Neighbours in
Need This Easter

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.”