“The Mission's Doing a Great Job . . .”

Homelessness, joblessness, and despair grip many of the people who turn to Scott Mission each day. Christ-centred care and professional counselling can make all the difference for people facing challenges with mental health or addiction. Kyle* came in off the streets to find compassion and the tools to overcome homelessness . . . and hopelessness.

“I was out on the street, going hungry, suffering,” Kyle says. “People on the streets feel like they’re unwanted.”

Kyle’s feelings of being unwanted evaporated the day he came through the doors of Scott Mission. He was welcomed with a good hot meal, a place to sleep, and much-needed clothing.

“When I first got to Scott Mission, I was shocked by the way the staff were. They were so nice,” Kyle says. “They gave me some food and it was good.”

Kyle also learned that Scott Mission provides spiritual support, and he has seen his life enriched in many different ways—one of which was his baptism. Having access to Christ-centred care, including counsellors who can help with challenges ranging from mental health to addiction, opened the door to healing and a transformed life.

Thankful for the help he is receiving, Kyle says, “Scott Mission is a compassionate neighbour. They allow you into their home, give you clothes and shelter. The Mission’s doing a great job.”

You can provide the meals and life-transforming care neighbours like Kyle need this summer! Please make a gift now to share food, help, and hope with people in need across the GTA.

Your prayers and partnership with Scott Mission ensure people like Kyle can get the help they need to overcome homelessness and other challenges.

*Name and photo changed for privacy

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.” Matthew 25:35 NIV

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Updates from Scott Mission Camp!

Scott Mission Camp will soon welcome hundreds of boys and girls for the chance to learn of God’s love in a beautiful wilderness setting. Thank you for your prayers and support that make camp available to children who might otherwise never have the chance to have fun and make new friends.